Monday, February 16, 2009

I'm the LUCKIEST woman in the world!!!!!

Look what my wonderful hubby left me on the computer today...

My Junebug …. My Wife
Babe we’re getting’ older,
Feeling the aches and pains of life.
And I’m such a lucky man,
To have such a wonderful wife.

You take me as I am,
With my faults and moods and such.
I can never tell you enough,
How I love you oh so much.

Don’t ask me why I wrote this,
Nothing happened, nothing’s wrong.
Sometimes I just need to say it,
So you know my love is strong.

Now stop you’re cryin’ and tearin’,
I’d rather make you laugh.
By telling you strange jokes,
About a three legged calf!

But back to the point I’m making,
About how good you are for me.
A wonderful mother to my girls,
And even more you need to see.

I’m far from perfect as a man,
I’ll be the very first to admit.
But without you my dear,
I’d be worth not one bit.

You complete me as a person.
You reinforce me as a man.
If I ever lost your love,
I’d have no strength to stand.

I need you always my love,
You are my partner at my side.
Should times be good or bad,
I’m so lucky you’re my bride.

I Love Ya To The Purple And Back!!!

Can I just say how much I LOVE that man!!!!!!!

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